Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
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How do I purchase your software? What delivery options do I have?
You can use your Credit Card, PayPal, wire transfer, Check (for US only). All these options are available when you order a product from our website. All software from our website is downloadable, but you can also order the 4Team BCD that contains installation files and Documentation, which are sent by regular mail.
Do you provide a discount for Non-Profit Organizations?
Yes, we do. Send us your NPO statement of exemption by faxand indicate the name of the actual purchaser and his/her email address, where we can send the Promo Code that will generate a 15% discount.
I'm not a PC professional. Can I get help to install and tune-up the trial?
Yes, you can get a free email and LiveChat Help support in order to install and tune-up the program properly. Please check the Support part of our Online Help.
Please refer to 4Team support by email or via live chat.
I just purchased the program but still don’t have the Activation Code.
We email Activation Codes within 24 hours after the purchase. But on workdays we usually send Activation Codes within 1 hour.Please send us an email or call us if you don't receive it within this period.
Please send us an email or call us after the purchase, and we will send you a new Activation Code.
Does your product work with Microsoft Exchange?
Yes, it does. TabView Organizer works on the Exchange type profiles. Please also check other system requirements as well.
How do I update from the previous product version to a new one?
You must uninstall
the previous version (go to Control Panel Add or Remove
Programs) and download and install the new one.
Will I loose all Product data if I reinstall it?
Yes, you need to have Administrator rights to install TabView Organizer.
Please send us the extension request to Please provide your name, phone number, your team size and describe the purpose of extension.
Does the product work with localized Outlook versions (German, Spanish, French, etc.)?
Yes, it does.
How do I start using TabView Organizer?
After the installation of TabView Organizer, when you enter Microsoft Outlook folders for the first time, the “Enable TabView Organizer?” dialog box will automatically appear for your convenience. Click Yes in this dialog box to start TabView Organizer Wizard to setup of the Tabs.
In order to remove all existing Tabs on this folder when the Wizard is completed, check the Remove existing Tabs box during the first step of the Wizard.
Can I change the location of Tab Bars without starting the Wizard?
The location of Tab Bars can easily be changed by dragging any Tab from a Tab Bar to the top, bottom, left or right side of the main window.
TabView Organizer contains default lists of keywords. Therefore user-defined keywords can be set as Tabs even if you do not customize the keywords lists.
TabView Organizer recognizes each line as a single keyword. Therefore it sets as many tabs, as many lines you fill. If you type four keywords in one line, all keywords will be set on one Tab (i.e. all four keywords will be set as one filter). In order to set each of these four keywords on a new Tab, type each keyword in a new line.
The new Tab does not operate as a filter, because no filter is applied to it (similarly to „All“ Tab). In order to apply a filter to a new Tab, do the following:
Right-click the new Tab.
Select Change Filter criteria.
On the Customize View: Address Cards form, click the Filter button.
Apply a filter to the new Tab directly on the SQL tab or check Edit these criteria directly check box and apply the filter setting on other tabs (Messages, More Choices, Advanced).
Renaming of a Tab does not change the existing filter (i.e. keyword set on the existing Tab). In order to replace the existing filter, do the following:
Right-click the Tab, on which you want to change the filter.
Select Change Filter criteria.
On the Customize View: Messages form, click the Filter button.
Change the filter (i.e. keyword set on the existing Tab) directly on the SQL tab or check Edit these criteria directly check box and change filter setting on the other tabs (Messages, More Choices, Advanced).
In order to attach this email to the rest of the emails, sent by one sender, do the following:
Right-click this email message.
Point to Create Tab by Sender and select a Tab Bar, where Frequent Senders are set as Tabs.
Right-click any Tab on this Tab Bar and select the Manage this Tab Bar option.
Check the boxes on the left column (To Merge) next to the displayed names of the same sender and click the Merge button.
Click the Refresh button on standard Outlook toolbar.
On the Microsoft Outlook View menu, point to Arrange By and select Custom.
On the Customize View: Messages form, click the Filter button.
In the lower right-hand corner of the SQL tab, click the Clear All button.
On the Microsoft Outlook View menu, point to Arrange By and select Custom.
On the Customize View: Messages form, click the Filter button.
In the lower right-hand corner of the SQL tab, click the Clear All button.
This problem may emerge if you do not restart your PC after the installation of TabView Organizer. In order to solve this problem, simply restart your computer.