Create Tabs with user-defined keywords

Click on the underlined links to find out more.

  1. Start TabView Organizer Wizard.

  2. During the first step of the Wizard, select User-defined keywords in mail folders.

  3. Click the Customize button to customize the user-defined keywords lists.

  4. During the third step the Wizard displays the list of user-defined keywords (User-defined keyword: in TabView Organizer, user-defined keyword is a word, set as a Tab filter for sorting out of Microsoft Outlook items. The difference between keywords and user-defined keywords is that the latter can be customized by user, and the former are found by analyzing the content of the folder by frequent values (e.g. Inbox - Frequent Senders) or match some predefined values). You can manage this list by using various buttons (e.g. Move Up, Move Down, Rename) on the right-hand side of the managing form.

  5. During the fourth step the Wizard creates Tabs with the customized list of user-defined keywords.